Product disclosure statement
Payoneer Payment Services:
Payoneer Australia Pty Ltd. (Payoneer) offers three main products in Australia enabling you to receive cross boarder payments from your global clients and customers: (i) the Payoneer Account (ii) Payoneer Business Premium Debit Mastercard® Card and (iii) Payoneer Corporate Purchasing Mastercard®. Below you will find the product disclosure statements of each product.
Payoneer Account
Part A General Information
- Introduction
- Issuer
This Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) has been prepared by Payoneer Australia Pty Ltd. (Payoneer). Payoneer holds an Australian Financial Services Licence Number 504803 (AFSL) authorising it to issue non-cash payment facilities. Payoneer is not authorised to provide financial product advice other than general advice in relation to its own products. If you have any questions or need more information concerning the Payoneer Account, Payoneer can be contacted at: Payoneer Australia PTY Ltd – C/O Mazars (NSW) Pty Limited Lvl 12, 90 Arthur Street North Sydney NSW 2060. - About this PDS
This document is the PDS for the Payoneer Payment Services issued by Payoneer. The PDS for the Payoneer Payment Services contains important information regarding the Payoneer Payment Service. Associated fees will be presented when registering to the service and will also be available on our website for the registered users following their log-in to their Payoneer Account. This PDS is designed to assist eligible potential users in deciding whether to obtain this product. The PDS does not take into account your individual objectives, financial situation or needs. Any advice in the PDS is general advice only. You should consider the appropriateness of any general advice to your circumstances before acting on it. You should read this PDS carefully and seek independent expert advice before making any further decisions relating to the suitability of this product for you. - Changes to this PDS
Payoneer aims to provide users with up-to-date information. In addition, where a change is made to information in this PDS that is not materially adverse to you the updated information will be made available on our website at A physical copy of the current PDS can be obtained free of charge by phoning +61-28-379-8090 or making a request via our website at
- Issuer
- The Product
- Overview of the product
Payoneer provides eligible users the Payoneer Payment Service to allow you to receive payments for the settlement of commercial transactions in multiple currencies (mainly USD, EUR, GBP and JPY) through your “Payoneer Account”. If eligible, Payoneer will allow you to fund the balance of your Payoneer Account from your own partner account. Registered Payoneer users can use their Payoneer Account to receive payments from customers regardless of where customers are located. The Payoneer Account is designed for businesses and allows you to withdraw or use funds in your Payoneer Account:
– by withdrawing or transferring funds to a designated partner account pre-approved by Payoneer.
– to make VAT payments to VAT authorities in certain countries and territories to transfer to the Payoneer Account of another Payoneer registered user for settlement for goods or services received
– to have funds allocated for use with one of Payoneer’s commercial cards which are described below under the Payoneer Business Premium Debit Mastercard ® card PDS and the Payoneer Corporate Purchasing Mastercard PDS (each a“Payoneer Card”as applicable) ,should you have subscribed to such Payoneer Card.
– you can also pay Payoneer’s pre-approved corporate clients or third party business applications by authorising them to debit your Payoneer Account balance directly.
Funds within your Payoneer Account will be held by Payoneer and its related entities in segregated partner accounts in a range of jurisdictions. Use of the Payoneer Payment Service is governed by Payoneer’s Terms and Conditions (Terms). - Benefits
The following benefits are available to those eligible when using the Payoneer Payment Service:
– You can use your Payoneer Account to receive payments from corporate clients, eligible marketplaces and online platforms, and approved clients outside of Australia by choosing Payoneer as your preferred payment method or by providing your Payoneer receiving account details to your client(s).
– You can load funds to your Payoneer Account from your own partner account.
– You can easily manage payments from your global clients, marketplaces and other online platforms in multiple countries with your multi-currency Payoneer Account all in one place.
– You have the flexibility of choosing when you will withdraw your funds to your local partner account.
– You can also use your funds for shopping at an authorized Mastercard-enabled Merchant or, provided you have a physical card, withdraw funds from a Mastercard-enabled ATM in Australia or globally.
– You can offer simple, cost effective online payment options to your customers from the US, Europe, UK, Japan and other countries Payoneer adds from time to time. Simply send your customers details of Payoneer’s receiving partner accounts in eligible currencies, including USD, EUR, GBP, JPY and/or other currencies enabled from time to time and the customer can pay by local partner transfer in such currency. The funds will then be credited to your Payoneer Account.
– You can request a payment from your customers, whether or not they’re registered with Payoneer. A form will be generated, and the customer will receive the payment request.
– If you are eligible, you can send payments to other Payoneer accountholders in Australia or globally.
– Payoneer payment services can integrate with payment platforms, through a rich set of APIs and robust infrastructure to enable seamless payment experience to your customers, straight from within the platform.
– Payoneer’s large, supportive and multi-lingual team, works 24/7 in 35 languages, to support you and your customers.
- Overview of the product
- Significant risks
Some of the risks associated with the product are outlined below. This is a summary of the major risks only and is not intended to be exhaustive. There may be other risks associated with your use of the Payoneer Payment Service.
(a) Ability to pay payments.
By using the Payoneer Payment Service, you are relying on our ability (and the ability of our related entities, partners and payment providers) to meet various obligations, including making payments you have requested and holding the funds in your Payoneer Account.
(b) Unavailability of the service
While Payoneer makes reasonable efforts to ensure availability of the Payoneer Payment Service, it is possible it may be rendered temporarily unavailable from time to time.
(c) Unauthorised transactions
There is a risk your account may be compromised and subject to an unauthorised transaction or other types of fraudulent activity. You will be responsible for any unauthorised transactions or unauthorised use of your Payoneer Payment Service login details.
(d) Currency fluctuations
Your transactions may be subject to currency conversions. If your transaction involves a currency conversion it will be completed at aretail foreignexchange rate at the timeyou initiate the transaction, determined by Payoneer based on the wholesale exchange rate at which Payoneer is able to obtain the relevant currencies. These wholesale rates are provided by a range of financial institutions and are adjusted regularly based on market conditions. Any exchange rate applied to your transaction may also include or be subject to a fixed fee or percentage commission currency conversion fee above the wholesale exchange rate. Payoneer works with a large number of third party service providers in order to provide efficient and cost effective currency conversion services and so it may not be possible to provide you with the actual or reference exchange rate information prior to conversion of a payment instruction. - Fees
The fees and charges are available on the Payoneer website at and may be viewed before registration to the Payoneer Services, and at any time following registration on the users personal area by logging in to “My Account”. You should read the important information about the fees before making a decision. The material relating to the fees and costs may change between the time when you read this PDS and the day when you acquire the product.
If they are changed you will be given 30 days prior written notice of the change. - Termination and suspension
Payoneer can terminate or suspend the use of the Payoneer Payment Service at any time on immediate notice. For more information on termination and suspension, refer to the terms and conditions available on our website. - Problems or disputes
If you have any questions, problems or disputes please contact us. When you provide feedback to us, we have the opportunity to improve our services to you. You can contact Payoneer at: Payoneer Australia PTY Ltd – C/O Mazars (NSW) Pty Limited Lvl 12, 90 Arthur Street North Sydney NSW 2060, (tel) +61-28-379-8090 or via a web form available at Our Terms detail additional procedures regarding disputes. Payoneer will aim to resolve your query as soon as possible and at least within 30 days.
If we are unable to resolve your complaint within 30 days or you are dissatisfied with how your complaint was handled or its outcome, you can refer your complaint to the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA), an independent external dispute resolution scheme covering applicable Australian customers. AFCA can be contacted at: (tel) +61 1800 931 678 or (mail) Australian Financial Complaints Authority GPO Box 3, Melbourne VIC 3001. - Privacy and confidentiality
Payoneer may collect personal information about you in the course of providing the Payoneer Payment Service to you. Payoneer has adopted a Privacy Policy which provides information about how Payoneer collects, hold and use any information you provide. A copy of our Privacy Policy is available at
Part B Payoneer Terms and Conditions
Please read our terms and conditions attached to this PDS prior to opening a Payoneer Account.
Payoneer Business Premium Debit Mastercard
Part A General Information
- Introduction
- Issuer
Payoneer Europe Limited (PEL) is the issuer of the Payoneer Business Premium Debit Mastercard Card (Card) pursuant to an intermediary authorization agreement between PEL and Payoneer Australia Pty Ltd, ACN: 621 926 501, AFSL: 504803 (Payoneer). Under that agreement, Payoneer, the Card program manager agrees to offer to arrange for PEL to issue the Card under section 911A(2)(b) of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth). PEL and Payoneer are not authorised to provide financial product advice. If you have any questions or need more information concerning the Card, you may contact Payoneer at Payoneer Australia PTY Ltd – C/O Mazars (NSW) Pty Limited Lvl 12, 90 Arthur Street North Sydney NSW 2060. - About this PDS
This document is the PDS for the Payoneer Business Premium Debit Mastercard Card (Card) issued by PEL. The PDS for Card contains important information regarding the Card. Associated fees will be presented when registering to the service and will also be available on our website for the registered users following their log-in to their Payoneer Account. This PDS is designed to assist eligible potential users in deciding whether to obtain this product. The PDS does not take into account your individual objectives, financial situation or needs. Any advice in the PDS is general advice only. You should consider the appropriateness of any general advice to your circumstances before acting on it. You should read this PDS carefully and seek independent expert advice before making any further decisions relating to the suitabilityof this product for you - Changes to this PDS
We aim to provide users with up-to-date information. In addition, where a change is made to information in this PDS that is not materially averse to you the updated information will be made available on the Payoneer website at A physical copy of the current PDS can be obtained free of charge by phoning +61-28-379-8090 or via web form
- Issuer
- The Product
- Overview of the product
The Card is a Business Premium Debit MasterCard Card that allows you to access and utilize funds allocated for use with the Card anywhere the Card is accepted around the world and to withdraw funds at ATM machines worldwide. The Card does not constitute a checking, savings or other partner account and is not connected in any way to any other account you may have except for your Payoneer Account. The Card is not a credit card. You will not receive any interest on the funds on the Card.
Eligible users may be able to access funds from their Payoneer Account via the Card by withdrawing the funds through an ATM and/or utilize funds on their Payoneer Account for shopping at merchants that accept Mastercard. - Benefits
The following benefits are available to those eligible when using the Payoneer Business Premium Debit Mastercard:
– the Card allows you to make purchases using the Card wherever a Business Premium Debit MasterCard is accepted.
– The Card can be used in person, online or by telephone.
– The Card can be used at any ATM to obtain cash or make a balance enquiry.
– Our Send Payment Service enables eligible users to send funds from the Card to other Payoneer registered users.
– Our Card to Bank Service enables eligible users to withdraw amounts on your Card to a partner account in the same name (subject to applicable limits).
– Monthly statements are available by logging in to your account at www.payoneer .com
– Provided you have safely kept your Card details and security features pertaining to the Card and you have promptly notified Payoneer on becoming aware of any loss, theft or misappropriation, you will only be liable up toa maximum of GB£50 in connection with that loss, theft or misappropriation (in respect of any unauthorised transactions that took place prior to you giving notice to Payoneer).
- Overview of the product
- Significant risks
Some of the risks associated with the product are outlined below. This is a summary of the major risks only and is not intended to be exhaustive. There may be other risks associated with your use of the product.
– Like any credit or debit card, there is a risk of unauthorised transactions if the Card is lost or stolen or the Card or the Card details or the Personal Identification Number (PIN) are compromised. The available balance on a lost or stolen Card may be used before you have cancelled the Card. You will be liable for all losses relating to unauthorised transactions arising from your fraudulent behaviour or your gross negligence. In some circumstances, we may replace a lost or stolen Card and value for unauthorised transactions but this will depend upon whether you caused or contributed to the loss or theft of the Card or to the Card’s details or Card PIN being compromised or whether you delayed in notifying us.
– Where an amount charged by a merchant is disputed, PEL’s ability to reverse any such transaction depends upon you promptly informing PEL.
– Fees and Charges incurred on your Card may cause a negative balance. If this occurs, you will be liable for any negative balance and you agree to pay PEL promptly for the shortage.
– The Card is an electronic money product and is also regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland. However, it is not covered by the Australian “Financial Claims Scheme” or any equivalent compensation scheme to cover any losses claimed in connection with the Card. Accordingly, in the event that PEL becomes insolvent your funds may become valueless and unusable and as a result you may lose your money. - Fees
The fees and charges are available on the Payoneer website at and may be viewed before registration to the Payoneer Services, and at any time following registration on the users personal area by logging in to “My Account. You should read the important information about the fees before making a decision. The material relating to the fees and costs may change between the time when you read this PDS and the day when you acquire the product.
If they are changed you will be given 30 days prior written notice of the change. - Termination and suspension
PEL and/or Payoneer can terminate or suspend the use of the Card at any time on immediate notice. For more information on termination and suspension, refer to the terms and conditions available on our website. - Problems or disputes
If you have any questions, problems or disputes please contact Payoneer. You can contact Payoneer at: Payoneer Australia PTY Ltd – C/O Mazars (NSW) Pty Limited Lvl 12, 90 Arthur Street North Sydney NSW 2060, (tel) +61-28- 379-8090 or via web form The Terms and Conditions details additional procedures regarding disputes. Payoneer will aim to resolve your query as soon as possible and at least within 30 days.
If Payoneer are unable to resolve your complaint within 30 days or you are dissatisfied with how your complaint was handled or its outcome, you can refer your complaint to the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA), an independent external dispute resolution scheme covering applicable Australian customers. AFCA can be contacted at: (tel) +61 1800 931 678 or (mail) Australian Financial Complaints Authority GPO Box 3, Melbourne VIC 3001. - Privacy and confidentiality
PEL and/or Payoneer may collect personal information about you in the course of providing you with the Card related services. Payoneer’s privacy policy is available on the Payoneer Website at
Part B Terms and Conditions
Please read our terms and conditions attached to this PDS.
Payoneer Corporate Purchasing Mastercard
Part A General Information
- Introduction
- Issuer
Payoneer Inc. (PINC) is providing you with the Payoneer Corporate Purchasing Mastercard)® service (“Corporate Purchasing Mastercard”or “Corporate Purchasing”) pursuant to an intermediary authorization agreement between PINC and Payoneer Australia Pty Ltd, ACN: 621 926 501, AFSL: 504803 (Payoneer). Under that agreement, Payoneer, the Card program manager agrees to offer to arrange for PINC to issue the Corporate Purchasing Mastercard under section 911A(2)(b) of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth). PINC and Payoneer are not authorised to provide financial product advice. If you have any questions or need more information concerning the Card, you may contact Payoneer at Payoneer Australia PTY Ltd – C/O Mazars (NSW) Pty Limited Lvl 12, 90 Arthur Street North Sydney NSW 2060 - About this PDS
This document is the PDS for the Payoneer Corporate Purchasing Mastercard provided by PINC. The PDS for the Corporate Purchasing contains important information regarding the Corporate Purchasing. Associated fees will be presented when registering to the service and will also be available on our website for the registered users following their log-in to their Payoneer Account. This PDS is designed to assist eligible potential users in deciding whether to obtain this product. The PDS does not take into account your individual objectives, financial situation or needs. Any advice in the PDS is general advice only. You should consider the appropriateness of any general advice to your circumstances before acting on it. You should read this PDS carefully and seek independent expert advice before making any further decisions relating to the suitabilityof this product for you. - Changes to this PDS
We aim to provide users with up-to-date information. In addition, where a change is made to information in this PDS that is not materially averse to you the updated information will be made available on the Payoneer website at A physical copy of the current PDS can be obtained free of charge by phoning +61-28-379-8090 or via web form
- Issuer
- The Product
- Overview of the product
The Corporate Purchasing Mastercard provides you with virtual card credentials that allows you to access and utilize funds you allocate for use with the Corporate Purchasing in online transactions anywhere Mastercard cards are accepted around the world. The Corporate Purchasing Card does not constitute a checking, savings or other partner account and is not connected in any way to any other account you may have except for your Payoneer Account. The Corporate Purchasing Card is not a credit card. You will not receive any interest on the funds allocated for use with your Corporate Purchasing - Benefits
The following benefits are available to those eligible when using the Payoneer Corporate Purchasing Mastercard:
– Corporate Purchasing allows you to make online purchases that does not require physical presence of a card anywhere MasterCard is accepted.
– Corporate Purchasing can be used online or by telephone.
– Our Top-up feature enables users to control and associate funds held under their Payoneer Account for use with the Corporate Purchasing Card
– Monthly statements are available by logging in to your account at www.payoneer .com
- Overview of the product
- Significant risks
Some of the risks associated with the product are outlined below. This is a summary of the major risks only and is not intended to be exhaustive. There may be other risks associated with your use of the product.
– Like any payment card, there is a risk of unauthorised transactions if the Card is lost or stolen or the Card or the Card details or the Personal Identification Number (PIN) are compromised. The available balance on a lost or stolen Card may be used before you have cancelled the Card. You will be liable for all losses relating to unauthorised transactions arising from your fraudulent behaviour or your gross negligence. In some circumstances, we may replace a lost or stolen Card and value for unauthorised transactions but this will depend upon whether you caused or contributed to the loss or theft of the Card or to the Card’s details or Card PIN being compromised or whether you delayed in notifying us.
– Where an amount charged by a merchant is disputed, PINC’s ability to reverse any such transaction depends upon you promptly informing PINC.
– Fees and Charges incurred on in connection with you Corporate Purchasing service may cause a negative balance. If this occurs, you will be liable for any negative balance and you agree to pay PINC promptly for the shortage.
– The Corporate Purchasing is an electronic money product and it is not covered by the Australian “Financial Claims Scheme” or any equivalent compensation scheme to cover any losses claimed in connection with the Corporate Purchasing. Accordingly, in the event that PINC becomes insolvent your funds may become valueless and unusable and as a result you may lose your money - Fees
The fees and charges are available on the Payoneer website at and may be viewed before registration to the Payoneer Services, and at any time following registration on the users personal area by logging in to “My Account”. You should read the important information about the fees before making a decision. The material relating to the fees and costs may change between the time when you read this PDS and the day when you acquire the product.
If they are changed you will be given 30 days prior written notice of the change. - Termination and suspension
PINC and/or Payoneer can terminate or suspend the use of the Corporate Purchasing at any time on immediate notice. For more information on termination and suspension, refer to the terms and conditions available on our website - Problems or disputes
If you have any questions, problems or disputes please contact Payoneer. You can contact Payoneer at: Payoneer Australia PTY Ltd – C/O Mazars (NSW) Pty Limited Lvl 12, 90 Arthur Street North Sydney NSW 2060, (tel) +61-28- 379-8090 or via web form The Terms and Conditions details additional procedures regarding disputes. Payoneer will aim to resolve your query as soon as possible and at least within 30 days.
If Payoneer are unable to resolve your complaint within 30 days or you are dissatisfied with how your complaint was handled or its outcome, you can refer your complaint to the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA), an independent external dispute resolution scheme covering applicable Australian customers. AFCA can be contacted at: (tel) +61 1800 931 678 or (mail) Australian Financial Complaints Authority GPO Box 3, Melbourne VIC 3001 - Privacy and confidentiality
PINC and/or Payoneer may collect personal information about you in the course of providing you with the Corporate Purchasing related services. Payoneer’s privacy policy is available on the Payoneer Website at
Part B Terms and Conditions
Please read our terms and conditions attached to this Product Disclosure.