Marvin Espina

eCommerce seller with 2 online stores, The Philippines

โ€œIโ€™m very thankful to Payoneerโ€™s payment services. Itโ€™s so easy to pay my suppliers, thereโ€™s no hassle, and receiving funds from the US is easier. Now I can focus on scaling my business.โ€

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Every payment option my supplier suggested was a hassle. It wasnโ€™t eCommerce-friendly, it had no security, and I had to put aside a lot of time to physically wait in line to do it.

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Payoneerโ€™s Global Payment Services and US virtual account allow me to pay my suppliers hassle-free in just a few clicks.

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I save time, reduce frustration, and can concentrate on growing my business.

Iโ€™m Marvin Espina from the Philippines.

I currently run two online stores, with my main customers from the US, the UK, Canada, and Australia. I established my store after having success on the platform Teespring. The idea was to sell more than just apparel to my current customers, like watches and sunglasses. Iโ€™m positive that Iโ€™m on the right track with my vision for the store.

Every payment option was a hassle for my business”

I tried every payment option my supplier suggested, including bank transfer and money remittance. It was a hassle for my business because I would have to physically line up to pay, I had no payment security, and it was not eCommerce-friendly. I was a virtual assistant to a top seller on a different print-on-demand company, so thatโ€™s where I heard about Payoneer.

Payoneerโ€™s virtual us bank account has been a big help

I use my virtual US bank account to link to my Stripe account. If it wasnโ€™t for that, I would have to go to the US or hire an agent to open a US bank account, which takes more time and hassle, while signing up for Payoneer is free and virtual.

Now I can pay my suppliers in just a few clicks

The conversion rate of USD to their local business is higher when they receive my payment, so itโ€™s a win-win for both of us. Payoneer has helped my business, not only with Global Payment Services and a US virtual account, but also with the Payoneer prepaid MasterCard, which I use to pay my Facebook ads.

Iโ€™m very thankful to payoneerโ€™s payment services

Itโ€™s so easy to pay my suppliers, thereโ€™s no hassle, and receiving funds from the US is easier. Now I can focus on scaling my business.

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