Zoho Books and Payoneer integration guide
Learn how to seamlessly integrate Payoneer with Zoho Books. Follow our step-by-step guide to connect your accounts, create invoices, and manage payments efficiently. Optimize your financial operations today!
How to connect your Payoneer account with Zoho Books
To seamlessly integrate Payoneer with Zoho Books, follow these steps:
Ensure you have active accounts on both Zoho Books and Payoneer. If you donโt have a Payoneer account, you can easily sign up here.
- Install the extension:
- Navigate to the Zoho Marketplace and install the “Payoneer for Zoho Books” extension.
- Configure the payment gateway:
- Once installed, go to Settings > Payment Gateway > Online Payments in Zoho Books.
- Locate the Payoneer card and click Set up Now.
- In the Edit Gateway Configuration box, click Connect with Payoneer.
- Connect with Payoneer:
- On the Payoneer page that opens, choose Click Here under “Already have a Payoneer account?” If you need to create a new account, you can do so here as well.
- Sign in to your Payoneer account, navigate to Business Network > Connect Apps, and select Zoho Books from the list.
- Copy your Payoneer Customer ID and Connection Key.
- Complete integration in Zoho Books:
- Paste the Payoneer Customer ID and Connection Key into the corresponding fields in Zoho Books and click Save.
Creating an invoice in Zoho Books:
- Navigate to invoices:
Go to Sales > Invoices in Zoho Books to create a new invoice. - Fill in invoice details:
Enter all necessary details, including your payerโs information. - Select payment gateway:
Payoneer will be automatically selected if set up as a payment gateway. Other payment options will also be available if configured. - Send the invoice:
Send the invoice to your payer via Zoho Books.
Paying a Zoho invoice via Payoneer (for payers):
- Receiving the invoice:
The payer receives the invoice and chooses their preferred payment option. - Proceed to payment:
The payer clicks on Proceed to Payment, which opens the Payoneer payment page. - Complete the payment:
The payer selects the payment method on Payoneer and completes the transaction.
Funds will be directly transferred to your Payoneer account once the payment is processed.
By following these steps, you can effectively manage your invoices and payments through Zoho Books using Payoneer, ensuring a streamlined financial workflow.
For more detailed instructions and troubleshooting, refer to the official Zoho Books and Payoneer documentation. Optimize your financial operations with this powerful integration today!
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Zoho Books and Payoneer integration guide
Learn how to seamlessly integrate Payoneer with Zoho Books. Follow our step-by-step guide to connect your accounts, create invoices, and manage payments efficiently. Optimize your financial operations today!