Convert currencies effortlessly

Earning in one currency but need to make a payment in another?
A Payoneer account makes transfers between balances quick and easy,
so you always have the funds you need in the right currency.

Convert currencies

Transfer money between your currency balances to make payments in the currency you need







Amount to transfer
Amount to receive

Amount (EUR)






Amount to receive: 107.00 USD


Exchange request submitted

Multi-currency with
more control

Buying goods in one currency and selling them in another? Payoneer helps you avoid costly international bank or wire transfers, or a multi-step process of withdrawing, converting, and redepositing the payment. Itโ€™s all about making sure you have the currency you need when your business needs it the most.

Whatโ€™s in it for you?

Save time, money, and effort managing multiple currencies, so you can focus on keeping your clients happy and growing your business.

Achieve currency karma

Enjoy a simpler, easier way to always have the currencies you need for international business.

Quick currency conversion

Payoneer transfers take just minutes to appear in the requested balance so you can keep up with the rhythm of your business.

Competitive, convenient pricing

Our competitively priced rates are based on the real-time exchange rate with a 0.5% fee, so you have more transfer transparency.

How to convert your currencies

  • Sign into your account and go to Convert currencies.
  • Select two balances to use for the transfer, for example USD to GBP.
  • Choose the amount to send of one currency, or the amount to receive of the other.
  • Once the balances and amounts are set, you can lock in your conversion rate for 2 minutes.
  • Review the transaction then submit and funds appear in the new balance within a few minutes.
Why choose Payoneer?

See what other freelancers and businesses have to say about Payoneer and how it contributes to their success.

eliana barrionuevo header

Eliana Barrionuevo

Freelance Writer & Travel Blogger, Argentina

โ€œWhat I love about Payoneer is the freedom I have to use it all over the world and the solution that fits my digital nomad lifestyle.โ€

lam nguyen

Chintan Thakkar And Rajat Lala


โ€œWith Payoneer we can offer multiple payment options like bank transfer, Credit Card, ACH transfer. This is key to our customer success and for driving a superior customer experience for our global clients.โ€

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Manage Currencies is a service that allows Payoneer customers to convert funds from one balance or card to another balance or card. Itโ€™s useful for anyone who works with multiple currencies and needs to be able to transfer between them quickly and easily.  

We currently support the following currencies: USD, EUR, GBP, CAD, AUD, JPY and CNH. In addition, conversion to CZK, PLN, RUB and VND is available for tax payment purposes (subject to availability). 
The list of supported currencies may change from time to time and differ from region to region. 

Note: At this time, we donโ€™t support transferring to a balance whose currency is the same as your local currency. 

From the moment the request is submitted, funds are generally transferred to the receiving balance within minutes. 

In some cases it may take several hours for funds to appear in your balance. 

You cannot transfer more than you have in your balance. 

Some periodic limits may also apply. If any limit is exceeded, weโ€™ll let you know before completing the request. 

There may be periods of time when certain currencies cannot be transferred, for example, when certain markets are closed. If you select a currency that is temporarily unavailable, a message will be displayed to let you know.ย 


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